Sponsor: curbi

My thanks this week go to curbi for sponsoring the Very Nice Web Site RSS feed.

If you’re a parent, you probably know that iOS comes with minimal parental controls compared to third-party options on other platforms. And the worst thing in the world is having some smug Android-using parent taking the moral high ground. Ugh.

Hey, we all know your child is a perfect angel full of nothing but sunshine and red panda emoji, but sometimes its nice to have peace of mind. Well, now you can thanks to curbi.

By using iOS’s built-in management profiling, curbi is your IT department in the cloud (yeah, I wrote that). Once you intall the curbi management profile on your child’s iPod touch, iPhone or iPad, the curbi server puts you in control of it without ever having to touch it again. Using the parent app on your iOS device, you can set the limits on your child’s access to social media, block access to adult sites and set time restrictions. You also get a detailed report of your child’s activity, including sites they’ve visited, apps they’ve used and how much time they’ve spent on each.

It’s simple, secure and helps you avoid conflict before it happens.

curbi is free to try for 14 days. After that a monthly subscription is just $6.99 a month no matter how many devices you want to cover. If you have children and your children have iOS devices, curbi is the peace of mind you’ve been looking for.