Reality distortion
John Gruber retweeted Carles Palanca who catches what is one of the weirder aspects of what people nay-saying Apple these days are saying:
Fanboy playtime! Who said “the nearly error-free performance of Jobs over the past twelve year”, @gruber or Tim Wu?
— Carles Palanca (@carlespal) March 1, 2013
The answer, of course, is Wu. It’s remarkable how “Apple fanbois” are the one who are now pointing out that Apple has always had flaws and made mistakes — albeit usually fewer than its competitors — and detractors who are saying it used to be perfect. For a while back in the early 2000s, it didn’t seem like we could get through a week without a PowerBook battery exploding. When the Maps issues came up last fall, pundits somehow magically forgot Antennagate, the overblown “scandal” of 2010, in their rush to show how Apple without Steve Jobs was doomed. As Ben Bajarin commented, it’s like the reality distortion field is now outside Apple instead of coming from within it.
Modern day analysis is surprisingly like that of the Middle Ages, full of the reading of obscure portents that can only be seen by an elite few who have been graced with grandiose titles of office, often by learning the wrong things. Consequently, it’s about as accurate, too.