You Can’t Go Home Again

Wired’s Ryan Tate thinks Facebook Home could continue to iterate until it’s successful.

In the end, Facebook Home will rise or fall on how well it appeals to its target audience: the exceedingly average billion people who use Facebook and are quite possibly more interested in seeing pictures and messages from their loved ones when they turn on their phones than in seeing the geeky navigational craft of a smartphone operating system.

I don’t doubt that Facebook Home could find appeal with a core set of users who want that experience, but I’m skeptical that’s going to be a sizable slice of the market despite the “billion people who use Facebook”.

Because, as Marco Arment says, it’s not an implementation issue. It’s that the actual experience of seeing pictures your loved ones take (or, worse, the images they jack from other places with political statements or cat fetishism or poop jokes or fat jokes or political fat cat poop jokes) is not an experience most people really want:

Facebook Home was flat-out badly designed: it’s designed for optimal input and failed to consider real-world usage.

Admittedly, I do have an anti-Facebook bias — that is only partly due to my many childhood issues — so maybe I’m a poor judge.