Top 10 suggested Bob Mansfield job titles
Not that it isn’t badass to not have a job title, but it is a little weird that Apple now has Bob Mansfield listed as Senior Vice President of nothing on its executive listing (h/t 9to5Mac). So, because I’m always trying to be helpful, here is my list of suggested titles Apple could use given that it seems Mansfield is working on things that are hush-hush.
Take it away, unordered list!
- Senior Vice President of [Redacted]
- Senior Vice President of Kicking Ass and Taking Names and You’re All Out of Names
- Senior Vice President of None of Your God Damn Business That’s What
- Senior Vice President of Walking Around Chewing a Toothpick and Tripping Nerds
- Senior Vice President of Your Mom
- Senior Vice President of Hardware, If You Know What I Mean (The Hardware Is His Penis)
- Senior Vice President of Cruising Up and Down De Anza Blvd. In A Cherry Convertible Mustang
- Senior Vice President of Yeah, That’s Right, You Didn’t See Nothin’, Pencil-Neck, So Keep Walkin’
- Senior Vice President of Oh, What The Hell, It’s Apple Television Development, OK?
Feel free to add your own in the comments!
Oh, wait…