The boring iPhone 5
MacRumors: Apple’s iPhone 5 Pre-order Shipping Estimates Slip to Two Weeks
I guess this is what happens when people are actually able to pre-order the phone. Last year I futzed with the web site for hours before giving up and going to bed and only was able to order my wife a 4S on the phone with AT&T the next day. Last night I had ordered myself an iPhone 5 via the iOS Apple Store app 15 minutes after midnight when pre-orders began.
You can say that shipping dates slipping is a meaningless statistic without knowing how many phones Apple made available, but it’s at least an indicator that the boringest phone in the history of like forever is doing pretty well. It certainly seems likely that Apple would have increased production in the last year rather than decreased or held it steady, but we’ll have to wait until they announce numbers to know just how well it’s selling.
Personally, I’m very excited to get this phone. Other than the introduction of the original iPhone, this is arguably the biggest update. My understanding from people who’ve held an iPhone 5 is that the build quality is even better than the 4 and 4S, if that’s possible. Eventually Apple will just make phones out of unicorn horn and the dewy moisture that collects between Scarlett Johansson’s breasts when she does hot yoga. (Technically, any yoga done by Scarlett Johansson is “hot yoga” but I’m specifically talking about Bikram in this case.) The white one will feature the same moisture collected from Michael Fassbender.
The only feature I’ve ever envied about some Android phones is their thinness. And now even that slight envy will be gone. If you find the iPhone 5 boring, don’t get one. I’m sure someone else more excited by it would be glad to have it.