» Do not collect them all, do not trade them with your friends
Patrick Wardle provides a comprehensive look at all the Mac malware of last year. Very well done list. I certainly don’t agree with his last sentence, though.
(Via Rich Mogull.)
» ‘Warm Takes on Microsoft’s Surface Pro 4’
Justin Searls gives his impressions after trying the Surface Pro 4. They’re very on par with my experience with Windows 10 on my son’s Lenovo (although, my son’s laptop doesn’t have a touch screen). Railing against Apple’s missteps is very in fashion right now (and rightly so in many cases). But it’s really not rosier on the other side of the fence.
(Via Rene Ritchie.)
(Also, holy shit, I still have a blog? Why didn’t someone remind me?)
» The Talk Show #171: Prisoner’s Dilemma multitasking
I joined John Gruber on this week’s edition of The Talk Show to speculate on tomorrow’s Apple event, talk baseball and, as always, bring up Apple lore of years gone by.
» Rubber Stamps
My pal Josh Olson made a sticker pack for iOS 10 of rubber stamps that can be placed on text messages often to sarcastic, encouraging or amusing effect. Take a look, won’t you? Just a buck!
» The Macworld Podcast 524: A Black That’s Blacker Than Black
I joined Glenn Fleishman on the Macworld podcast to talk about today’s announcements.
» ‘Thoughts on Apple’s Bug Bounty Program’
Rich Mogull on Apple’s just-announced bug bounty program.
» ‘Treasonous Trump’
Writing for Tom’s Guide, Marshall Honorof explains why Donald Trump calling for Russia or other parties to hack Hillary Clinton is a very, very bad thing to say.
Whatever you think of Clinton (and I am not a fan of hers, for the record), she is still a citizen of the United States. When someone seeking the countryꞌs highest office calls down the wrath of a foreign power on her, that should disqualify him immediately as a serious contender for the presidency. Make no mistake: Cybercrime can be a form of terrorism, just as sure as a bombing or mass shooting, and if Hillary Clintonꞌs privacy isnꞌt safe under Trump, whose would be?
» Nintendo releasing throwback mini NES
Pretty good week for Nintendo as it looks forward with Pokémon Go and back with this charmer of a console. 30 games for $60 is a pretty good deal and it comes in an adorable form factor. Not much not to like.
» Niantic working on a Pokémon Go security fix with Google
We recently discovered that the Pokémon GO account creation process on iOS erroneously requests full access permission for the user’s Google account.
It’s nice they’re trying to fix it. But, really? That never came up?
UPDATE 7/14: The update has been released and it’s a good thing, too. Out and about playing with some other people we found the ones logging in with Pokémon Trainer Club accounts had periodic but extended outages and weren’t able to connect. Those logging in with Google accounts had none. (Your mileage may vary.)
» Pokemon Go has full access to your Google account
If, like me, you signed into Pokémon Go with a Google account (which is highly likely since the only other way to do it is by creating a Pokémon Trainer Club account and that system has been down for days due to the popularity of the game), the game has full access to your Google account.
In other words, it can read your emails, send emails as you, see your calendar… everything. Full access. That’s what that means. (UPDATE 7/14: Some later claimed that was not actually the case, it was less access than feared. Regardless, it was too much access.)
So, that was fun while it lasted.
(Via David Chartier.)